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Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria are the conditions that a solution must satisfy for it to be accepted by the stakeholders. They are measurable and testable conditions used to validate that a system meets stakeholder requirements.

Analysis Approach

Analysis Approach outlines the methodology, techniques, and tools that will be used to conduct business analysis activities. It serves as a guideline for how requirements will be elicited, analyzed, and documented.

Analysis Models

Analysis Models are visual or textual representations of information, used to facilitate understanding, discussion, and decision-making. They can include SWOT analyses, data models, or process flows among others.

Approved Requirements

Approved Requirements are the set of requirements that have been reviewed and accepted by key stakeholders. They serve as the basis for solution development and testing.

Assessment Of Business Value

Assessment of Business Value is an evaluation of the worth of a project or solution in terms of its potential to meet business objectives and generate value for stakeholders.

Business Analysis Performance Assessment

Business Analysis Performance Assessment involves evaluating the effectiveness and quality of business analysis activities. It aims to identify areas for improvement and align performance with organizational objectives.

Business Analysis Plan

Business Analysis Plan defines how and when business analysis activities will be performed, detailing the deliverables to be produced and specifying the resources required.

Business Case

Business Case is a documented economic justification for undertaking a project or task. It is typically presented in a well-structured written document to convince decision-makers of the merits of a proposed investment.

Business Goals And Objectives

Business Goals and Objectives are statements of the outcomes needed to support an organization’s mission and vision, serving as foundational inputs to strategic planning and business analysis.

Business Need

Business Need is a statement that describes a problem, opportunity, or mandate driving a project. It is often the initial trigger for initiating business analysis activities.


The Charter is a formal document that authorizes the initiation of a project and provides a high-level overview, including objectives, scope, stakeholders, and constraints.

Confirmed Elicitation Results

Confirmed Elicitation Results are the outcomes of elicitation activities that have been verified and validated by stakeholders. They are used for further analysis and requirements documentation.

Current State Assessment

Current State Assessment is an evaluation of the existing business environment, processes, and systems. It serves as the baseline for identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement.

Elicitation Approach

Elicitation Approach outlines the techniques and methods to be used for gathering information from stakeholders. It often forms part of the Business Analysis Plan.

Elicitation Preparation Materials

Elicitation Preparation Materials are documents and tools prepared in advance to support effective elicitation sessions. These can include questionnaires, templates, and agendas.

Evaluated Acceptance Results

Evaluated Acceptance Results are the findings from the evaluation of a solution against the Acceptance Criteria. They serve as an input for approval or further refinement.

Feasibility Study Results

Feasibility Study Results are the outcomes of an analysis to determine the viability of different solution options in terms of cost, time, and resources.

Improved Stakeholder Engagement And Communication

Improved Stakeholder Engagement and Communication refers to strategies or initiatives that enhance the involvement and understanding between stakeholders and the project team.

Prioritized Requirements And Other Product Information

Prioritized Requirements and Other Product Information is a set of requirements and related information arranged according to their importance and relevance for decision-making.

Product Risk Analysis

Product Risk Analysis is an assessment of the uncertainties that could negatively impact the ability of a solution to meet its objectives. It often leads to risk mitigation strategies.

Product Roadmap

Product Roadmap is a strategic document that outlines the vision, direction, and progress of a product over time. It helps align stakeholders and teams towards common objectives.

Product Scope

Product Scope describes the features, functions, and characteristics of a product or service. It is often documented in a Product Scope Statement and is critical for managing stakeholder expectations.

Readiness Assessment

Readiness Assessment is an evaluation of the organization's preparedness to implement a proposed solution. It may include an analysis of resources, skills, and organizational culture.

This refers to suggested modifications or updates to the documented requirements and related product information, often resulting from a change request or review process.

Recommended Solution Option is the selected approach or alternative that is proposed for implementation based on evaluation criteria such as feasibility, costs, and benefits.

Relationships And Dependencies

Relationships and Dependencies refer to the interconnectedness of requirements, tasks, or components within a project. Understanding these helps in effective planning and execution.

Release Decision

Release Decision is the formal authorization to launch a product or deliverable. It is often based on the evaluation of readiness and alignment with acceptance criteria.

Required Capabilities And Features

Required Capabilities and Features describe the essential functionalities that a solution must have to meet business objectives and stakeholder needs.

Requirements And Other Product Information

This is a compilation of all elicited and documented requirements, along with related information like constraints, assumptions, and acceptance criteria.

Shared Product Information

Shared Product Information refers to requirements and related product data that are disseminated among stakeholders to ensure a common understanding and alignment.

Situation Statement

Situation Statement is a concise description of an issue or opportunity that needs to be addressed. It helps stakeholders understand the context and urgency of the business problem.

Solution Evaluation Approach

Solution Evaluation Approach outlines the methods and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a solution after its implementation. It forms the basis for solution validation and acceptance.

Stakeholder Engagement And Communication Approach

This describes the strategies and tactics for effectively engaging stakeholders throughout the project. It includes communication plans, feedback mechanisms, and other engagement tools.

Stakeholder Register

Stakeholder Register is a documented list of individuals and groups with an interest in the project. It often includes information like stakeholder classification, influence, and contact details.

Traceability And Monitoring Approach

This refers to the methodologies for tracking requirements throughout their lifecycle and for monitoring the status of solution components.

Transition Plan

Transition Plan outlines the steps for moving from the current state to a future state. It includes tasks, milestones, and responsibilities to ensure a smooth transition of the solution.

Unconfirmed Elicitation Results

These are initial findings from elicitation activities that have not yet been verified or validated by stakeholders.

Updated Stakeholder Register

An iteration of the Stakeholder Register that incorporates any new stakeholders or updates to existing stakeholder information.

Validated Requirements And Other Product Information

This refers to requirements and associated information that have been confirmed as meeting the needs of stakeholders, usually after a formal validation process.

Verified Requirements And Other Product Information

Requirements and related information that have been checked for accuracy, completeness, and quality against defined acceptance criteria.

Viable Product Design Options

Viable Product Design Options are the feasible alternatives for achieving the required capabilities and features of a product, as established through analysis and stakeholder input.

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