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Updated Stakeholder Register

The Updated Stakeholder Register is a dynamic document that evolves through the lifecycle of business analysis and product development. This document serves as a central repository for storing information about the stakeholders who have an interest or involvement in the project or product. Maintaining an up-to-date stakeholder register is pivotal to successful business analysis, as any oversight can lead to the loss of crucial product requirements.

Key Components

  1. Stakeholder Names: One of the primary updates in this register is the addition or modification of stakeholder names. As the project progresses or changes, new stakeholders may become involved, or existing ones may change roles or exit the project.

  2. Supporting Information: This includes various characteristics of stakeholders like their roles, responsibilities, interests, influence, and communication preferences, among others. This information is generally obtained through stakeholder analysis.

  3. Characterization: The register includes the characterization of stakeholders based on the stakeholder analysis. This aids in determining how each stakeholder will participate in product development activities and how best to engage with them.


  1. Requirement Elicitation: The stakeholder register helps in identifying who to approach for specific requirements and how best to engage them, reducing the risk of missing out on key product requirements.

  2. Communication Strategy: Knowing the characteristics of stakeholders enables the development of tailored communication strategies, which is essential for stakeholder engagement and project success.

  3. Risk Mitigation: By keeping track of all stakeholders and their characteristics, the stakeholder register acts as a tool for mitigating risks related to stakeholder management. For example, if a critical stakeholder is not adequately engaged, it could pose a risk to the project, which can be preemptively addressed.

  4. Optimal Engagement: Through the characterization of stakeholders, the register helps in assessing whether the engagement level and communication with a particular stakeholder are optimal at any given time.

Periodic Updates

The stakeholder register is not a one-time document but needs periodic updating. This could happen at various stages, such as after a stakeholder analysis, during requirement elicitation activities, or any time there is a significant change in the project scope, scale, or stakeholder community.

The Updated Stakeholder Register is a crucial asset in business analysis for maintaining current data on stakeholders, which in turn aids in requirement elicitation, stakeholder engagement, and risk mitigation.



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