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A Charter serves as a formal document that marks the initiation of a portfolio component, program, or project. It establishes the scope boundaries and provides a documented record for the commencement of the endeavor. The charter acts as a foundation for internal agreements within the organization, ensuring that the delivery of the portfolio, program, or project aligns with predefined parameters and business expectations. It functions to establish a partnership between the business and the product development team.

In the context of business analysis, the Charter plays a vital role:

  1. Business Analysis Involvement: The individual assigned to perform business analysis often supports the sponsor in the creation of the charter, especially in predictive life cycles. In adaptive life cycles, while the sponsor may be the one to create the charter, a product owner might contribute to the business analysis work needed for its development.

  2. Context and Rationale: The charter not only formalizes the initiative but also provides the context and rationale behind it. This ensures that all stakeholders have an initial understanding of the scope and the reason for the product development initiative.

  3. Guidance for Business Analysis Activities: Together with business analysis planning approaches, the charter helps in identifying which aspects of business analysis should be conducted. It also aids in estimating the level of effort that would be required.

  4. Scope Definition: The charter serves to define the boundaries of what the portfolio component, program, or project will entail, ensuring that there is alignment with business goals and objectives.

  5. Authorization: It serves as an authoritative document that formally authorizes the existence of the portfolio component, program, or project.

The Charter is an instrumental document that formalizes the initiation of a business initiative, sets its scope boundaries, and serves as a guide for subsequent business analysis activities. It aligns the efforts of the business and product development teams, ensuring that both are working towards a common objective.



my thoughts are neither my employer's nor my wife's