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Product Roadmap

A Product Roadmap serving multiple purposes throughout the product's lifecycle. It provides a high-level view of the product features and outlines the sequence in which these features will be developed and delivered.


  • Product Features: One of the primary elements of a product roadmap is the listing of product features. These are often categorized and prioritized for development.

  • Sequence: The roadmap not only lists the features but also outlines the sequence or the order in which these features will be built. This helps in planning and resource allocation.

  • Product Vision: It includes information about the overall vision for the product, offering a conceptual understanding of what the product aims to achieve.

  • Evolution: It details how the product will mature over time, providing an evolutionary trajectory that gives stakeholders an idea of where the product is headed.

Alignment with Strategy

The product roadmap needs to be aligned with organizational goals and milestones. This alignment ensures that the product contributes to the strategic objectives of the organization. It's not just a project-level tool but serves a higher purpose of fitting into the overall strategic planning effort of the organization.

Utility in Business Case

In the context of the Business Case, the key insights from the product roadmap are included to provide decision-makers with a clear understanding of how the product will evolve. This information helps in making informed decisions about whether to proceed with the product development, what resources to allocate, and what timelines to consider.

Communication Tool

The product roadmap is also a powerful communication tool. It aids in setting expectations, reducing ambiguity, and ensuring that all stakeholders, from team members to executives, have a unified understanding of what is to be achieved.

Planning and Refinement

The roadmap serves as a dynamic planning tool. As the product matures, the roadmap may be updated to reflect new insights, changed priorities, or shifts in strategy. It serves as a living document that guides the product development process but can be adapted as circumstances change.

Product Roadmap is a multi-functional tool that serves to guide the product development process, align it with organizational strategy, and communicate the product's evolutionary path to all stakeholders. It is instrumental in planning and decision-making processes, including the formulation of the business case.



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