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Stakeholder Engagement And Communication Approach

The "Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Approach" serves as a critical governance document that outlines the strategy for stakeholder involvement throughout the product development lifecycle, including the transition to the future state. It captures various agreements that guide how and when stakeholders will be communicated with and involved in the various stages of the portfolio, program, or project.

Key Components

  1. Level of Involvement: The approach specifies the degree to which each stakeholder or stakeholder group is involved. This could range from simply being informed about updates to being deeply involved in decision-making processes.

  2. Decision-making and Approvals: The document also outlines the mechanisms for making decisions and obtaining approvals from stakeholders. This can include voting, consensus-building, or other methods of decision-making.

  3. Information Management: The strategy includes how product and project information is to be structured, stored, and maintained. This is crucial for ensuring that stakeholders have access to the information they need to remain engaged and make informed decisions.

  4. Communication Channels: The approach identifies the channels through which stakeholders will be kept updated. This could be through regular meetings, emails, reports, or dashboards.


  • Transition Preparedness: The approach is particularly important when preparing for transitions, as it identifies which stakeholders need to be involved to ensure that transition activities are executed effectively.

  • Consistent Engagement: The approach aims to maintain stakeholder participation throughout the product development lifecycle, ensuring that their inputs and feedback are continuously incorporated.

  • Risk Mitigation: Lack of stakeholder involvement is a risk that could lead to ineffective transitions or even project failure. The stakeholder engagement and communication approach aims to mitigate this risk by specifying norms for consistent and open communication.

  • Accountability: By outlining the methods for decision-making and approvals, the approach ensures that stakeholders have clear accountability, thereby reducing ambiguities and potential conflicts.

Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Approach serves as a governance tool that aligns stakeholders with the product's or project's objectives and activities. It sets the standard for how stakeholders will be involved, ensuring that they are appropriately engaged to contribute positively to the success of the initiative.



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