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Readiness Assessment

The concept of "Readiness Assessment" aligns closely with the transition phase of a project.


A Readiness Assessment is an evaluative tool used to gauge the ability and willingness of an organization to transition from the current state to a future state that is enabled by a proposed solution.

Components and Forms

The assessment generally takes one of two forms:

  1. Readiness Evaluation Report: A formal report outlining the findings and results of the evaluation.

  2. Readiness Checklist: A less formal but structured list where readiness characteristics can be ticked off to indicate areas requiring further attention.


The primary purpose is to identify gaps in readiness, which are considered as risks to achieving the desired end state. Once these gaps are identified, risk responses can be developed to mitigate or address them.

Unique and Generic Aspects

  • Unique Aspects: Every transition might have some unique elements that depend on the specific product or organization being evaluated for readiness.

  • Generic Aspects: Some aspects are so fundamental that they apply to all organizations or may be standardized across a specific industry. Industry maturity models often serve as the basis for these generic aspects of the assessment.

Role in Decision Making

The readiness assessment plays a crucial role in release decisions. An evaluation is performed to determine whether any unaddressed readiness risks remain and whether the organization is genuinely prepared for the transition at a specific point in time.

Identifying Risks and Responses

Another essential function of the readiness assessment is to identify risks that could impede the organization's ability to transition successfully to the future state. The assessment not only identifies these risks but also proposes risk responses to address them, thereby helping to plan for a more effective transition.

In summary, a Readiness Assessment is a comprehensive evaluative measure that serves multiple functions—from identifying readiness gaps and associated risks to proposing risk responses and informing release decisions. The assessment can be tailored to suit the unique needs of the organization while also incorporating generic industry standards, making it a versatile tool in the Business Analyst's toolkit.



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