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Requirements And Other Product Information

"Requirements and Other Product Information" serve as a comprehensive dataset that encapsulates all pertinent details about a solution. This set is the end result of elicitation and analysis activities conducted during the business analysis process.

Role in Transition Requirements

Among these requirements are "Transition Requirements," which are crucial for bridging the gap between the current and future states of an organization or a system. These requirements might include temporary capabilities like data conversion needs, training requirements, and operational changes. The tools used for defining business, stakeholder, and solution requirements often reveal these transition requirements, which frequently emerge during discussions of other types of requirements or product information.

Context for Elicitation Activities

Requirements and other product information serve as the basis to determine the objectives of elicitation activities. These elements help in preparing questions and setting the agenda for such activities. Existing requirements and models may serve as a guide, offering a contextual foundation for elicitation. Visual models are particularly useful, as they are often easier for stakeholders to understand and offer feedback on.

Iterative Refinement and Expansion

As the business analysis work progresses, the volume of requirements and other product information will naturally evolve. It will either grow as more requirements are elicited and more information is collected, or be refined as existing requirements and information are revised. This iterative process of refinement and expansion provides an increasingly comprehensive context, aiding in the creation of new models or the analysis of existing ones.

"Requirements and Other Product Information" not only comprise all details relevant to a solution but also serve as an evolving base for further elicitation and analysis activities. They are indispensable in forming the context for various business analysis tasks, including the identification of transition requirements necessary for moving from the current to the future state.



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