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Required Capabilities And Features

"Required Capabilities and Features" denote the comprehensive list of net changes that the organization aspires to achieve in order to transition from its current state to the desired future state. These are not solution directives but serve as a foundation for additional analysis that will determine how they will be implemented in the eventual solution. They are crucial elements in several aspects of business analysis and project decision-making:

Addressing Different Options

The capabilities and features hold different weights and implications depending on the proposed solution options under consideration. In early discussions, the conversation is often at a high level, but as solution options are evaluated, refined, and discussed in depth, certain capabilities and features may emerge as more valuable than others. This, in turn, impacts adjustments made to the solution approaches that are being considered. Essentially, the capabilities and features covered within each option determine its product scope.

Role in Product Roadmap

The required capabilities and features are integral to the product roadmap. The roadmap outlines the sequence and expected timing for delivering these elements, providing stakeholders with an understanding of how and when the organization aims to achieve the desired future state.

Importance in Business Case

When it comes to making decisions about the recommended solution, the business case plays a pivotal role. Within the business case, the required capabilities and features are explicitly listed. This offers decision-makers essential insights into what exactly is required should they decide to proceed with the recommended solution option.

"Required Capabilities and Features" serve as a cornerstone for various phases of business analysis and project planning, from option analysis and scope definition to timing in the product roadmap and decision-making in the business case. They offer a structured way to identify what the organization needs to transition effectively to a future state but do not in themselves dictate how that transition should occur.



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