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Elicitation Preparation Materials

Elicitation Preparation Materials are designed with two key objectives:

Maximizing the Probability of Meeting Elicitation Objectives

The primary goal of using these materials is to ensure that the elicitation process achieves its set objectives. These objectives could range from gathering particular kinds of requirements to understanding specific stakeholder needs or constraints.

Optimizing Time Spent with Elicitation Participants

Elicitation is often a time-sensitive activity involving various stakeholders. Therefore, the second aim is to make the best use of the time spent in elicitation sessions. This efficiency ensures that stakeholders’ time is respected and that the team can quickly move on to other critical project activities.


Elicitation Preparation Materials can comprise various elements, depending on the facilitator’s preference and the project's needs. These might include:

  • Elicitation Activity Objectives: Clearly stated goals for what the elicitation activity aims to accomplish.

  • Agenda: A schedule or outline of the topics and activities that will take place during the elicitation session.

  • Background Information: Contextual information that might be required for stakeholders to meaningfully participate in the elicitation.

  • Questions to be Discussed: A set of questions that the facilitator plans to ask to guide the elicitation process.

  • Ground Rules and/or Instructions: These help in setting the behavioral expectations and procedural follow-through for the session.

  • Presentation Materials and/or Product Information: Including models that may help structure the discussion and elicit valuable insights.

Usage Across Business Analysis Processes

Elicitation Preparation Materials are not just created and used in isolation; they interact with and may be updated through various stages of the Business Analysis process:

  • Conducting Elicitation: During the actual elicitation process, these materials serve to structure and guide the activity, ensuring that it is aligned with the predefined objectives.

  • Confirming Elicitation Results: Post-elicitation, these materials may be revisited and updated based on what was learned. This often involves comparing the elicitation outcomes with the initial materials to identify any gaps or issues requiring further elicitation.

  • Creating and Analyzing Models: Often, the process of confirming elicitation results is performed in conjunction with the creation and analysis of models.

  • Defining and Elaborating Requirements: Additionally, these materials can be crucial when defining and elaborating on the requirements that have been elicited.

Elicitation Preparation Materials serve as a vital roadmap for conducting effective and efficient elicitation activities. They are dynamic tools, often evolving as the project progresses through different phases of Business Analysis.



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