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Assess Current State

The "Assess Current State" process aims to delve deep into the current environment being analyzed. The primary objective is to comprehend both internal and external factors that might be either the root cause or a driving factor for a specific problem or opportunity.

Key Benefit

The main advantage of this process is to equip stakeholders with a thorough understanding of the present condition of the organization. This understanding is pivotal in determining the elements that will remain constant, versus those that require modification, thus painting a clearer picture of the desired future state.

Areas of Analysis

The scope of analysis is vast, ranging from a specific project or a program to an entire department or business unit. Other potential areas of investigation include the competitive landscape, specific products, and many more. Factors to be inspected can be as intrinsic as organizational culture, processes, and structure or as extensive as external elements, enterprise architectures, capacities like human resources, and capital resources.

Depth of Analysis

The information gathered during this process is often denser and more detailed than the initial data accumulated while identifying the problem or opportunity. The reason for this is the continuous elicitation activities that further nurture the available information. This process often goes hand-in-hand with the Conduct Elicitation section.

Evaluation of Current Capabilities

One of the principal areas of concentration during the current state assessment is evaluating the organization's existing capabilities. Here, capability refers to the organization's proficiency, whether it's a service, process, or any other function. These capabilities act as the catalyst enabling the organization to realize its strategy. The root cause analysis of an issue lets the organization pinpoint the necessary capabilities or those needing further maturation to cater to the business needs. Any potential limitations and the respective root causes are also identified, and the required capabilities to address these are taken into account.


The primary goal of the current state assessments isn't to dive deep into a comprehensive analysis of requirements. Instead, it's to gain ample knowledge about the problem or opportunity, ensuring that stakeholders have a robust grasp of the situation.

Elicitation Methods

To obtain information regarding the current state, various elicitation techniques are employed. These methods range from scrutinizing documents, conducting interviews, observing real-time scenarios, to distributing surveys.

Focus of Business Analysis Activities

While conducting the analysis, it's imperative to zero in on areas that aid in defining the situation statement. A potential pitfall to avoid is straying into areas that might be irrelevant or not beneficial for defining the future state. It's noteworthy that in instances where a recent detailed assessment of the current state exists, this knowledge can serve as a foundation for the future state without redoing the current state assessment. Also, depending on organizational practices, the team analyzing the current state might differ from the one conducting business analysis for the subsequent project.


Enterprise and Business Architectures

Enterprise and Business Architectures provide a structured representation of the organization's business, strategy, information, and technology assets. This architecture aids in understanding the various interrelations within the organization, making it pivotal in comprehending the current state and identifying areas that may require attention or change.

Organizational Goals and Objectives

Organizational Goals and Objectives are the strategic intentions that define what the organization aims to achieve in the long run. They serve as the guiding beacon, ensuring that all endeavors and initiatives align with the organization's mission and vision. Understanding these goals and objectives is crucial when assessing the current state, as it provides context for what the organization values and where it intends to go.

Situation Statement

The Situation Statement provides a concise description of the problem or opportunity being addressed. It encapsulates the essence of the situation at hand, acting as a focal point around which the assessment revolves. Having a clear situation statement ensures that the assessment stays relevant and aligned with the issue being tackled.

Tools & Techniques

Business Architecture Techniques

Business Architecture Techniques are methodologies used to capture and represent the business in various formats and structures. These techniques provide a detailed view of the organization's operations, functions, information flows, and more, allowing analysts to gain insights into the intricate workings of the business and identify potential areas of improvement.

Business Capability Analysis

Business Capability Analysis delves into the organization's abilities to perform certain functions or tasks. This analysis aims to understand what the organization can do and how proficiently it can execute specific activities. Recognizing these capabilities aids in pinpointing strengths and areas that might need enhancement.

Capability Framework

The Capability Framework offers a structured approach to categorize and evaluate the different capabilities within the organization. This framework provides a holistic view of the organization's proficiencies, making it easier to identify gaps or areas where the business might excel.

Capability Table

A Capability Table is a tool used to list and describe the various capabilities of the organization. It acts as a comprehensive repository, detailing each capability, its importance, its current state, and other relevant information, ensuring a systematic approach to capability analysis.

Elicitation Techniques

Elicitation Techniques are methods employed to gather information from stakeholders, documents, systems, and other sources. These techniques, ranging from interviews to workshops, ensure that the information acquired is comprehensive, relevant, and provides a thorough understanding of the current state.


The Glossary is a collection of terms, definitions, and acronyms specific to the business domain or project. This tool ensures clarity and consistency in communication, preventing misunderstandings and ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding terminology.

Pareto Diagrams

Pareto Diagrams, often referred to as the 80/20 rule, are graphical representations that prioritize issues. They are used to identify the most significant factors in a set, helping analysts focus on areas that will have the most substantial impact.

Process Flows

Process Flows depict the sequence of activities within a process, illustrating how tasks are interrelated. By visualizing processes, analysts can better understand the flow of work, identify bottlenecks, and spot areas for improvement.

Root Cause and Opportunity Analysis

Root Cause and Opportunity Analysis delves deep into problems or opportunities to understand their underlying causes. By identifying the root causes, analysts can ensure that solutions address the fundamental issues and not just the symptoms.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related to the business or project. This analysis provides a comprehensive view of the organization's internal and external environment, aiding in informed decision-making.


Current State Assessment

The Current State Assessment is a comprehensive document detailing the existing situation of the organization or project. This assessment captures all the relevant information, findings, and insights garnered during the analysis, providing a foundational understanding upon which future initiatives can be based.



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