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Capability Table

Capability Tables serve as a robust technique for representing and analyzing an organization's capabilities in both the current and future states. The table draws connections between existing problems, their root causes, and the capabilities needed to address those problems effectively. The technique is employed to create a seamless flow of information from the current state analysis to future state discussions.

Key Components

  • Problem Identification: Lists the problems that are limiting the performance or causing issues within the current state of the organization.

  • Root Causes: Specifies the underlying causes that have led to each identified problem.

  • Required Capabilities or Features: Highlights the capabilities or features that are needed to solve each problem, bridging the gap between the current and future states.


  1. Future-State Analysis: Utilized to define the capabilities necessary for solving current problems and capitalizing on new opportunities.

  2. Root Cause Analysis: Helps in pinpointing the root causes of existing problems, thereby offering clarity for devising solutions.

  3. Current State vs. Future State: Provides an integrated view that links the present problems and root causes with the features or capabilities required for future state achievement.

PlantUML Diagram

uml diagram

Sample Format Table for Capability Table

Problem IdentificationRoot CausesRequired Capabilities or Features
Declining Customer SatisfactionPoor Customer SupportEnhanced Customer Support Training
Inefficient Inventory ManagementOutdated Inventory SystemImplement Advanced Inventory System
Low Employee MoraleLack of Training ProgramsDevelop Comprehensive Training Program
High Operational CostsManual Data Entry ProcessesAutomate Data Entry Processes
Decreased Market ShareLimited Product OfferingsProduct Diversification

The table provides a sample dataset where various business problems are listed along with their root causes and the capabilities or features required to address them. This aids in drawing a clear line of action for transitioning from the current state to the desired future state.



my thoughts are neither my employer's nor my wife's