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In the context of business analysis, a Glossary serves as a centralized repository for defining terms and acronyms related to a product, portfolio, program, or project. Initiated as early as the needs assessment phase, a glossary aims to facilitate a common language among stakeholders, ensuring that everyone is on the same page with respect to terminology. This approach is instrumental in reducing ambiguity and enhancing clarity.

The glossary not only contains definitions for terms specific to the organization but also includes industry-specific terms that may be understood differently within the organizational context. Therefore, it acts as an alignment tool, enabling stakeholders to understand terms in a uniform manner, including any synonymous terms or various meanings of acronyms.

As requirements are being defined and elaborated, the business analyst is responsible for ensuring that the terminology used aligns with the definitions established in the glossary. The glossary is treated as a living document, meaning it is updated continually as new terms are identified or as the understanding of existing terms evolves.

Some organizations opt for a shared glossary that spans across various portfolios, programs, or projects. This can be particularly beneficial if there is a set of terms that are consistently used across multiple initiatives. Such a shared glossary could either be developed anew or be an extension of an existing glossary maintained as part of the organization's business architecture. This centralized approach facilitates consistency and reusability across various organizational initiatives.



my thoughts are neither my employer's nor my wife's