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Identify Problem or Opportunity

The process of "Identify Problem or Opportunity" is often the triggering point of any business analysis effort. This process focuses on discovering, understanding, and clarifying the gaps or challenges within an organization or system that offer room for improvements or new ventures. Here, business analysts engage with stakeholders to gain an in-depth understanding of the existing conditions and to identify what is either hindering the organization from reaching its objectives or what new avenues can be explored. The process is crucial because if the problem or opportunity is not thoroughly understood, the organization may end up pursuing an inadequate solution.

Emphasis on Understanding Before Solutioning

To ensure that the focus remains on comprehending the problem or opportunity rather than prematurely jumping to solutions, questions such as "What problem are we solving?" or "What opportunity might transform how we service our customers?" are posed. This allows for an in-depth exploration of the situation with stakeholders.

Pre-Project and Basis for Business Case

The identification of the business problem or opportunity is a pre-project activity and serves as the foundation for developing a business case. It aligns with portfolio and program management activities and sets the stage for the subsequent steps in the business analysis process.

Role of Elicitation

Various tools like SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, or Root-Cause analysis could be utilized for a comprehensive identification of problems or opportunities. This process works closely with "Conduct Elicitation," as a lot of the necessary information is obtained through effective elicitation. Inadequate data could result in proposing solutions that do not accurately address the scale of the problem or opportunity, thereby emphasizing the critical role of elicitation.

Drafting a Situation Statement

Once there is a comprehensive understanding of the problem or opportunity, a Situation Statement is drafted. This serves as a documented representation of the current problem needing resolution or the opportunity that is up for exploration. The Situation Statement forms the bedrock for a clear understanding of what the organization plans to tackle.

Stakeholder Review and Approval

After drafting, the Situation Statement undergoes a review and approval process with key stakeholders. This is to ascertain that the solution team's assessment aligns with the stakeholders' understanding of the situation. A misalignment here poses the risk of pursuing the wrong solution.

The "Identify Problem or Opportunity" process is a foundational step in Needs Assessment. It employs a rigorous methodology to ensure that the problem or opportunity is clearly understood, thereby setting the stage for the organization to pursue a solution that genuinely addresses the business need.


Assessment of Business Value

The Assessment of Business Value is a critical input as it helps quantify the value that addressing the problem or seizing the opportunity would bring to the organization. This assessment forms the basis for decision-making and prioritization. It often includes metrics and key performance indicators that provide an empirical foundation for understanding the gravity of the problem or the potential of the opportunity.

Elicitation Results (Unconfirmed / Confirmed)

Elicitation Results, whether unconfirmed or confirmed, are essential as they provide the raw data and information collected from stakeholders. This input is vital for understanding the problem or opportunity from multiple perspectives. Confirmed elicitation results are validated pieces of information, whereas unconfirmed ones may still require further clarification or validation.

Enterprise Environmental Factors

Enterprise Environmental Factors refer to the conditions, culture, and market variables that could influence the identification of the problem or opportunity. Understanding these factors is crucial for a nuanced view of the issue and ensures that external and internal organizational contexts are considered.

Tools & Techniques


Benchmarking involves comparing the organization's practices, processes, or performance metrics to industry bests or best practices from other industries. This tool is useful for identifying gaps, areas for improvement, and potential opportunities.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis helps to understand the landscape in which the organization operates. By analyzing competitors' strengths and weaknesses, this technique helps in identifying unique problems or opportunities that the organization can capitalize on.

Document Analysis

Document Analysis involves the scrutiny of existing documents related to the problem or opportunity. This could range from internal reports to industry publications. This technique is crucial for gathering historical data and insights that could illuminate the issue being investigated.


Interviews are one-on-one or group sessions where questions are posed to stakeholders to elicit qualitative and quantitative information. This technique allows for a deep dive into the specifics of the problem or opportunity and provides rich, detailed data.

Market Analysis

Market Analysis provides insights into market trends, customer behavior, and other external factors. It helps in understanding how the problem or opportunity aligns with or diverges from prevailing market dynamics.


Prototyping is the development of preliminary models or mock-ups of the proposed solution. While this is more commonly associated with solution development, it can also be used in the problem or opportunity identification stage to test assumptions and hypotheses.


Business Need

The Business Need is the well-defined problem or opportunity that the organization aims to address. It is a consolidated output that comes from synthesizing all the inputs and applying the various tools and techniques. It serves as the cornerstone for subsequent business analysis activities.

Situation Statement

The Situation Statement is a concise document that outlines the current state, defining the problem or opportunity in specific terms. It's a formalized output that provides clarity and acts as a point of reference for all stakeholders involved in addressing the problem or opportunity. This document is often reviewed and approved by key stakeholders to ensure alignment of understanding across the organization.



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