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Prototyping is an elicitation technique that allows for early feedback on requirements by creating a tangible model or proof of concept (PoC) of the expected solution. Unlike traditional methods that rely on abstract representations of requirements, prototyping offers stakeholders a more concrete, visual way to understand and interact with a proposed solution. This hands-on approach provides a valuable means to validate whether the conceptual solution aligns well with the existing set of requirements and helps to identify any potential gaps.

Prototyping embraces the idea of progressive elaboration, involving iterative cycles of creating mockups, allowing user interaction, gathering feedback, and then refining the prototype. The prototype can be anything from a simple architectural model to an early version of the product itself. Through this iterative process, requirements can be refined and more closely aligned with stakeholder expectations and needs.

Evolutionary Prototyping

Evolutionary Prototyping is a technique where a model of the system is built and refined iteratively based on stakeholder feedback, until it evolves into the final product.


Storyboarding involves creating a series of illustrations or images displayed in sequence to pre-visualize a solution or to illustrate a process flow. It is often used to flesh out user stories, describe user journeys, or define scenarios for system interactions.


Wireframes are low-fidelity, simplified outlines or schematics of what a software screen will look like. They help to convey the structure, layout, and information architecture of the software, providing a visual guide for stakeholders and developers.



my thoughts are neither my employer's nor my wife's