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Elicitation Results (Unconfirmed & Confirmed)

Elicitation Results in Business Analysis refer to the information acquired through elicitation activities. This information is vital for understanding the context in which a problem or opportunity exists, for identifying and analyzing stakeholders, and for the overall business analysis process. Here's a detailed breakdown based on the sections you provided:

Forms of Elicitation Results

Elicitation results may manifest in various formats including sketches, diagrams, models, and notes. These could be recorded on flipcharts, sticky notes, or index cards. The format is not restrictive, and the focus is on capturing the essence of the discussions and activities.

Utility in Understanding Problems or Opportunities

In the initial stages of business analysis, unconfirmed elicitation results serve as a preliminary base for comprehending the scope and context of the problem or opportunity at hand. These results are the starting point from which more detailed and confirmed information is derived through further analysis and collaboration.

Role in Stakeholder Identification and Analysis

Elicitation results are instrumental in the identification of stakeholders. Even unconfirmed results can highlight potential areas where new stakeholders might be situated. They also play a crucial role when analyzing the characteristics of stakeholders. In some instances, unconfirmed results can trigger follow-up discussions leading to the discovery of new stakeholders or additional product-related information.

Transition from Unconfirmed to Confirmed

The business analysis process is inherently iterative. Elicitation results may start as unconfirmed but can transition to confirmed status through continued analysis and collaboration. This shift underscores the dynamic nature of the information-gathering process, allowing for refinement and confirmation of previously gathered data.

Iterative Nature in Business Analysis

The iterative aspect of the business analysis process is evident in how elicitation results evolve. They are not static but are subject to validation and refinement. This iterative process ensures that the gathered information becomes increasingly reliable and aligned with the project objectives as the work progresses.

Timing and Continuity

Elicitation is not a one-time event but occurs throughout the entire business analysis process. This means that at any given time, both unconfirmed and confirmed elicitation results are available and continually serve as a data source for various business analysis activities.

In summary, elicitation results, whether unconfirmed or confirmed, are integral elements in business analysis. They provide the foundational data required for understanding problems or opportunities, identifying and analyzing stakeholders, and continuously informing the business analysis process. The evolution from unconfirmed to confirmed status through analysis and collaboration highlights the iterative and dynamic nature of business analysis.



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