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Modeling Elaboration

Modeling elaboration is a critical technique in business analysis that involves using a collection of models collectively to identify gaps, inconsistencies, or redundancies in product information. By leveraging the requirements architecture defined in the analysis approach, business analysts can determine the most effective models to use in tandem. This collaboration of models aids in completing each other, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the business requirements and processes.


A practical example of model collaboration includes comparing process flow models, which outline the steps people take to perform tasks, with organizational charts. This comparison ensures that all stakeholders are integrated into the process flows and that every participant in the process flows is represented in the organizational charts. Such integrative approaches ensure thoroughness and consistency in business analysis.

Traceability Matrix

A traceability matrix is a versatile tool often used by business analysts to link various items. It's commonly employed to trace requirements back to features, business objectives, or forward to development artifacts or test cases. During model creation and analysis, the traceability matrix can be repurposed to ensure the completeness of models. It allows analysts to compare:

  • Features in a feature model with business objectives models.
  • Process flows with features in a feature model.
  • Display-action-response models with steps in user interface or process flows.
  • Data items in data flow diagrams with objects in entity relationship diagrams.
  • System interface tables with systems in an ecosystem map.
  • Transitions in state tables or diagrams with process flows.

Interaction Matrix

An interaction matrix is a simplified form of a traceability matrix, focusing on the detail level of requirements and identifying any missing entities. Unlike a traceability matrix, an interaction matrix represents a specific point in time and is not maintained over time. It's primarily used for evaluating requirements during a project. The interaction matrix uses rows for one type of product information (like use cases or user stories) and columns for another type (such as data entities or business rules). Analysts populate the matrix to indicate where row and column types intersect or relate.

CRUD Matrix

CRUD matrices are pivotal in defining and understanding permissions within a business process. CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete – representing the fundamental operations applied to data or objects. In a CRUD matrix, the focus is on who or what can perform each of these operations on various elements, such as data or user interface screens. This matrix helps in delineating access and control over different aspects of the system or data.


In conclusion, modeling elaboration techniques like the use of traceability matrices, interaction matrices, and CRUD matrices are essential tools in the arsenal of a business analyst. These techniques and tools ensure that all aspects of a business process are thoroughly examined, inconsistencies are identified, and a comprehensive understanding of the system is achieved. Through these methods, business analysts can effectively contribute to the development of robust, efficient, and user-centric business solutions.



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