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CRUD Matrix

A CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Matrix is an analytical tool used to identify the interactions between different entities (like data objects) and system functionalities. It helps to recognize where each function performs one of the CRUD operations on a particular entity. This can be essential for understanding system behavior and for specifying requirements for a system.

Here's a sample CRUD Matrix with some example data:

Functionality / Data ObjectCustomerProductOrder
Add CustomerC
View CustomerR
Update CustomerU
Delete CustomerD
List ProductsR
Add ProductC
Update ProductU
Remove ProductD
Create OrderC
View OrderRRR
Update OrderU
Cancel OrderD

In this matrix:

  • Columns represent data objects like "Customer," "Product," and "Order."
  • Rows signify different functionalities such as "Add Customer," "View Customer," etc.

The letters (C, R, U, D) indicate which type of operation (Create, Read, Update, Delete) each functionality performs on each data object.

For example, the "Add Customer" functionality Creates a "Customer" (hence the 'C' under the "Customer" column). The "View Order" functionality Reads from "Customer," "Product," and "Order" (indicated by 'R's in the respective columns).

This is a simple example, but CRUD Matrices can get much more complex based on the complexity and scope of the system.



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