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Estimation Techniques

Estimation techniques are used to predict the effort and time required for business analysis activities. These techniques are used to determine the level of effort required for business analysis activities and the time needed to complete them. They are also used to estimate the resources needed to carry out these activities. Estimation techniques are essential in project management and business analysis for providing quantitative assessments of project efforts, durations, costs, and outcomes. Here's an overview of some typical estimation techniques:

Affinity Estimating


Affinity estimating is a form of relative estimation. It involves grouping product backlog items (or similar tasks) based on their perceived size or effort required.


  • T-Shirt Sizing: Using sizes like small, medium, large, and extra-large to estimate the scale of tasks.
  • Grouping: Team members collaboratively categorize items into groups of similar size or effort.

Bottom-up Estimating


Bottom-up estimating involves aggregating the estimates of smaller, detailed tasks to form an overall project estimate.


  • Task Decomposition: Breaking down the project into smaller tasks.
  • Aggregate Estimation: Summing up the individual estimates of these tasks to get a total estimate.

Delphi Technique


The Delphi technique is a consensus-building method that involves anonymous estimating, often used for decision-making.


  • Anonymity: Participants provide estimates anonymously.
  • Iterative Feedback: Multiple rounds of estimation are conducted, with anonymous feedback provided in each round to refine estimates.

Estimation Poker


Estimation poker is a collaborative and relative estimation technique using a predefined scale, often based on the Fibonacci series.


  • Scale Utilization: Using a scale like the Fibonacci series for relative sizing.
  • Collaborative Estimation: Team members present their estimates using cards, discuss differences, and re-estimate until consensus is reached.

Relative Estimation


This technique involves estimating tasks or items by comparing them to similar work done previously, rather than using absolute time or cost measures.


  • Benchmarking: Selecting a reference task or item for comparison.
  • Comparative Analysis: Estimating other tasks in relation to the benchmark.

Wide-Band Delphi


Wide-Band Delphi is a variation of the Delphi technique, involving more communication and collaboration to converge on estimates.


  • Formal Approach: Estimates are made anonymously by experts, followed by collaborative discussion and re-estimation.
  • Informal Approach: Open discussion of high and low estimates, followed by re-estimation.


These estimation techniques offer various approaches to quantifying aspects of a project, such as effort, time, cost, and risk. The choice of technique depends on the project's context, the nature of the tasks, and the information available. Understanding and applying these methods can lead to more accurate and reliable project planning and execution.



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