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Collaborative Games

Collaborative games serve as elicitation techniques designed to encourage teamwork, stimulate creativity, and foster innovation. These games are used to achieve specific goals, such as problem identification, solution generation, decision making, and team building. The nature of the games encourages active participation, making them particularly effective in environments where team engagement is essential.

Product Box

The Product Box is a facilitation technique used primarily to envision and describe features or attributes of a product in a creative and collaborative manner. Stakeholders construct a "box" using materials like cardboard or paper, capturing key selling points, features, and benefits they envision for the product.


Speedboat is a visual metaphor used in a group setting to identify what is slowing down a project or team, akin to anchors dragging a speedboat. Participants place metaphorical "anchors" on a board to symbolize challenges or impediments, facilitating discussions about solving these issues.

Spider Web

The Spider Web technique is a form of radial diagram used to represent relationships or interdependencies among various aspects of a project or system. It can be useful for understanding how different dimensions of a product or project relate to each other, and for making balanced decisions.



my thoughts are neither my employer's nor my wife's