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Product Box

The Product Box is a type of collaborative game used primarily for product development and feature prioritization. This game serves as an elicitation technique that engages stakeholders and team members in a creative process to envision and describe key attributes, features, and benefits of a product. The exercise allows participants to create a physical "box" using markers, paper, or other materials to represent what they consider to be the most important aspects of the product.

Key Components

  • Box Materials: Items such as cardstock, markers, stickers, and other craft supplies are typically provided to participants.

  • Facilitator: The individual who sets the context, explains the rules, and ensures that the game's objectives are met.

  • Participants: Team members, stakeholders, and/or subject matter experts who actively contribute to the game by designing their own product boxes.

  • Timebox: The game is usually time-limited to maintain focus and energy levels.

How It Works

  1. Context Setting: The Facilitator sets the stage by explaining the goal of the exercise and provides the materials needed to create the product box.

  2. Box Creation: Participants use the materials to create a box that represents their vision of the product. They can draw, write, or otherwise decorate the box to highlight features, benefits, and other attributes.

  3. Presentation: Once the boxes are complete, each participant or group presents their product box to the larger group, explaining their choices and what they believe are the most important aspects of the product.

  4. Discussion & Reflection: After all presentations are complete, a discussion is held to explore common themes, unique ideas, and to prioritize features or attributes that appear most often.

  5. Documentation: Key insights are documented for future reference, often leading to actionable items for the development team.


  • Stakeholder Engagement: The hands-on nature of the game ensures high levels of participation and engagement from all involved parties.

  • Creative Exploration: Encourages out-of-the-box thinking, allowing for innovative ideas and solutions to emerge.

  • Feature Prioritization: Helps in identifying and prioritizing the most valuable or desired features of a product.

  • Alignment: Allows for a shared understanding of what the product should achieve, aligning stakeholders and team members towards a common vision.

The Product Box game is often used in agile frameworks but is flexible enough to be adapted to other methodologies. By leveraging this technique, business analysts can capture a wide range of stakeholder needs and preferences, making it a valuable tool for elicitation and requirements gathering.



my thoughts are neither my employer's nor my wife's