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Determine Elicitation Approach

Determining the elicitation approach is pivotal in laying out a structured path for gathering requirements. Elicitation in the context of the PMI Guide to Business Analysis refers to the act of drawing out or extracting information, often in the form of requirements, from stakeholders or other sources. It is a planned process that involves selecting and applying techniques to capture pertinent data.

Purpose and Key Benefits

The primary purpose of determining the elicitation approach is to streamline and enhance the process of collecting requirements. This is achieved by considering various factors such as the stakeholders involved, the elicitation techniques to be used, and the sequence of activities.

Benefits include:

  • Efficient Use of Stakeholder Time: By having a structured approach, the time of the stakeholders is utilized effectively. This ensures that every meeting or session conducted serves a purpose and is not redundant.

  • Effective Stakeholder Collaboration: A planned elicitation process facilitates smoother interaction among stakeholders, paving the way for open communication and collaboration.

  • Organized Elicitation: An organized approach ensures that every aspect of the elicitation process is well-defined, reducing confusion and ensuring clarity.


The elicitation approach consists of several components:

  1. What to Elicit: This refers to the identification of the specific data or information required. It aids in understanding the problem, proposing a solution, or answering particular questions.

  2. Source of Information: It's essential to determine where the information can be found. This could be in a document, a particular source, or even within someone's knowledge.

  3. Method of Obtaining Information: This pertains to the technique or tool that will be used to extract the information. Different methods might be more effective depending on the type of information needed and the source.

  4. Elicitation Sequence and Timing: Deciding on the order of elicitation activities and their scheduling is crucial for smooth execution.


Having a systematic method for elicitation leads to:

  • A clear understanding of the information essential for defining a problem or devising a solution.

  • Reduced unnecessary activities. This means avoiding redundant sessions or repetitive tasks.

  • Ensuring that each elicitation activity yields valuable results.

  • Predictable and efficient use of stakeholders' time, ensuring that their involvement yields maximum value.

  • Enhanced focus on the elicitation process as a whole, ensuring that all aspects are adequately addressed.

In essence, determining the elicitation approach, as outlined in the PMI Guide to Business Analysis, is integral for an organized, efficient, and effective elicitation process. This approach not only ensures that all necessary information is captured but also that it is done in a way that maximizes stakeholder collaboration and minimizes wasted effort.


Product Scope

The Product Scope is an essential input that describes the features, functions, and characteristics of the product, service, or result that is the subject of the business analysis. It outlines the boundaries and deliverables of the project, providing a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved. It's critical for determining the elicitation approach, as it helps in identifying the necessary information required from stakeholders to meet the project objectives.

Situation Statement

The Situation Statement provides a concise description of the current state, including any problems or opportunities. It serves as a baseline for understanding the context in which the business analysis is being conducted. By defining the existing conditions, business analysts can better align the elicitation approach with the project's requirements and stakeholders' expectations.

Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Approach

The Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Approach outlines the strategies for interacting with and involving stakeholders throughout the business analysis process. It includes communication plans, engagement activities, and stakeholder management techniques. This input is crucial for determining the elicitation approach as it ensures that the methods chosen align with the stakeholders' preferences, availability, and information needs.

Stakeholder Register

The Stakeholder Register is a comprehensive list of all individuals and groups impacted by the project. It includes their roles, responsibilities, expectations, and influence on the project. This register is instrumental in determining the elicitation approach because it helps identify which stakeholders to engage, the level of their involvement, and the best ways to gather their input.

Tools and Techniques


Brainstorming is a creative group activity designed to generate a broad range of ideas, solutions, or approaches. It encourages open and uninhibited participation from all stakeholders, fostering diverse perspectives and innovative solutions. Brainstorming can be particularly effective in the early stages of determining an elicitation approach, as it helps uncover various possibilities and preferences.


Interviews are a direct and targeted method of eliciting information from stakeholders. They involve prepared questions tailored to the interviewee's knowledge and perspective. Interviews can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured, depending on the desired depth of information. They are a versatile tool that can be adapted to various situations, making them a vital component of the elicitation approach.

Retrospectives and Lessons Learned

Retrospectives and Lessons Learned involve analyzing past projects or phases to identify successes, failures, challenges, and opportunities for improvement. This reflective practice provides valuable insights that can shape the elicitation approach by highlighting effective techniques and potential pitfalls to avoid. Incorporating lessons learned ensures that the business analysis process is continuously refined and aligned with best practices.


Elicitation Approach

The Elicitation Approach is the comprehensive plan that outlines the methods and techniques to be used for gathering information from stakeholders. It takes into account the inputs, such as the product scope and stakeholder characteristics, and applies suitable tools and techniques to ensure effective and efficient elicitation. This approach serves as a guide for business analysts, ensuring that the elicitation process is systematic, targeted, and aligned with the project objectives and stakeholder needs.



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