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Solution Capability Matrix

The Solution Capability Matrix serves as a visual tool in business analysis that aligns capabilities with solution components, providing a holistic view of how each capability is addressed within the planned solution. It is particularly useful for product teams in planning and coordinating the delivery timelines of different solution components.


The matrix is usually structured with capabilities enumerated in the rows along the left column and solution components labeled across the columns at the top. Each cell in the matrix corresponds to a specific capability and component intersection.

  • An "X" is placed in the cell where a specific capability intersects with a particular solution component, signaling that this component addresses the said capability.
  • Optionally, the "X" can be replaced with version numbers or iteration numbers to indicate when the capability will be implemented or addressed during the product lifecycle.

Usage and Benefits

  1. Alignment: The matrix ensures that all capabilities needed for the solution are planned for and addressed by specific components. It ensures that no capability is overlooked.

  2. Planning and Scheduling: When time information is incorporated, the matrix aids in planning by showing when each capability is expected to be delivered by which solution component. This helps in sequencing activities and aligning them with project timelines.

  3. Clarity and Communication: The matrix acts as a straightforward way to communicate complex relationships between capabilities and components, making it easier for stakeholders to understand the solution structure and delivery schedule.

  4. Flexibility: The matrix is not rigid and can be adapted to include different types of information like version numbers or iteration numbers, making it a versatile tool for project teams.

  5. Prioritization: By visually mapping out the solution's capabilities, the matrix can also help in prioritizing features or capabilities based on their alignment with strategic goals or their criticality to the solution.

  6. Traceability: The matrix serves as a traceability tool, mapping capabilities back to solution components, facilitating impact analysis, and tracking changes over time.

In summary, the Solution Capability Matrix is a powerful tool for aligning solution components with capabilities, facilitating planning, enhancing communication among stakeholders, and serving as a basis for prioritization and traceability in a project.



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