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Report Table

A Report Table serves as an interface model that outlines the detailed requirements for a specific report within a project or business solution. It goes hand-in-hand with a prototype or mockup to offer a complete view of what the final report should encompass. This is a crucial tool in the Business Analysis toolkit, acting as a bridge between conceptual designs and actionable requirements for development or implementation teams.

Timing and Priority

The development of a report table typically commences once an initial list of reports needed for a solution has been identified and prioritized. Priority is given to reports deemed most critical to the business objectives or stakeholder needs.

Components of a Report Table

Common attributes found in a report table include:

  • Name: The title of the report.
  • Description: A brief overview of the report's purpose.
  • Decisions Made From the Report: Information on the kinds of decisions this report will inform.
  • Objectives: The goals the report aims to achieve.
  • Audience: Who the report is intended for.
  • Trigger: The event that initiates the report generation.
  • Data Fields: Specific fields of data that will be displayed in the report.
  • Data Volume: The amount of data expected in the report.
  • Frequency: How often the report will be generated or updated.
  • Display Format: How the data will be displayed (charts, tables, etc.).
  • Calculations: Any calculations or transformations applied to the data.

Importance of Prototyping

Where feasible, a prototype or mockup should accompany the report table. This visual representation complements the textual details in the table, providing context and making it easier for stakeholders and development teams to understand the report’s requirements.

Flexibility in Fields

Though a comprehensive filling out of all fields is recommended for maximum clarity, the model is flexible. The fields essentially act as guidelines to ensure that important aspects of the report are not overlooked during the elicitation of requirements.

Usage and Utility

Report tables are not just descriptive; they are prescriptive as well. They offer a detailed roadmap for the implementation teams, ensuring that no critical aspect of the report is left out. They are particularly useful when a report pulls data from multiple sources, requiring a defined system of record. The choice of using a report table or a mockup tool depends on the tool’s capability to capture the same level of detail as the report table. Failure to capture these could result in missed requirements.

Relationship to Requirements

The data presented in a report table essentially encapsulates the actual requirements for that specific report. Hence, there is no need for separate requirements documentation for the report. Stakeholders and implementation teams can rely solely on the report table and its accompanying mockup to fully understand the scope and needs of the report.

a Report Table is a comprehensive, detailed guide to understanding and developing a specific report. It serves as a critical instrument in the Business Analysis process, enabling efficient communication between stakeholders and implementation teams while ensuring alignment with business objectives.



NameThe title of the report.
DescriptionA brief overview of the report's purpose.
Decisions Made From the ReportInformation on the kinds of decisions this report will inform.
ObjectivesThe goals the report aims to achieve.
AudienceWho the report is intended for.
TriggerThe event that initiates the report generation.
Data FieldsSpecific fields of data that will be displayed in the report.
Data VolumeThe amount of data expected in the report.
FrequencyHow often the report will be generated or updated.
Display FormatHow the data will be displayed (charts, tables, etc.).
CalculationsAny calculations or transformations applied to the data.

Usage Report

DateApp DownloadsStore ID RegionsRecipe UploadsLoyalty Program TransactionsTransactions by Users with Recipe Uploads

Field Descriptions

Filtered By- All columns can be filtered
- The default setting displays all data
Grouped By- Rows are grouped by a specific column (e.g., Category)
- Rows can also be grouped by another column (e.g., Subcategory)
Sorted By- All columns can be sorted
- The default setting is to sort by a specific column within a group (e.g., ID within Category)
User Input Parameters- Parameter 1
- Parameter 2
Group Calculation- Calculation 1
- Calculation 2
Calculated Fields- Each calculation is done for the duration of the report period specified
- This includes sums, averages, etc., of specific fields
Displayed Fields- All fields are shown with rounding to the nearest integer
- This includes specific fields relevant to the report



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