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Product Visioning

Product visioning is an indispensable technique in business analysis, employed for establishing the overarching direction and scope for a product or product release. This technique facilitates alignment among team members by creating a unified, high-level conception of the product's future. Essentially, product visioning acts as the conceptual cornerstone around which the team's efforts coalesce.

Elicitation Techniques and Deliverables

Product visioning doesn't exist in isolation; it's typically carried out using one or more elicitation techniques. For example, collaborative games can be employed to engage team members interactively and to draw out their ideas. The end result of this exercise is often a tangible deliverable, either written or visual, that encapsulates the collective vision. Examples of such deliverables include a vision statement or a product box.

Vision Statement

A vision statement serves as a concise, high-level narrative that spells out key expectations from the product. It identifies the target market, pinpoints the users, outlines the major benefits, and distinguishes the product from its market competitors. While the vision statement provides adequate guidance to the development team, it's deliberately not exhaustive in detailing every feature, thereby leaving room for agility and iterative development.

Utility in Business Case

In many scenarios, the output from product visioning, such as the vision statement, finds its way into the business case. This ensures that decision-makers are equipped with the same understanding of the product as the development team, thereby aligning strategic objectives and operational efforts.

Importance of Shared Understanding

One of the primary utilities of product visioning is the attainment of a shared understanding among team members. This collective understanding is crucial for steering the product development in a unified direction. It becomes especially important when multiple stakeholders are involved, each potentially having different views or expectations about the product. Through product visioning, these disparate viewpoints can be harmonized into a cohesive vision.


In essence, product visioning is a collaborative and iterative process aimed at achieving a mutual understanding and agreement among team members about the future trajectory of the product. By employing specific elicitation techniques and generating key deliverables, product visioning ensures that both the development team and decision-makers are in sync regarding the product's high-level objectives and direction.



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