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Kano Analysis

Kano Analysis is a technique focused on understanding customer perceptions and preferences regarding various features of a product or service. This approach allows business analysts and product teams to evaluate and prioritize features based on their impact on customer satisfaction.

The technique uses a two-dimensional grid to plot features, with the vertical axis indicating the level of customer satisfaction and the horizontal axis showing how well the feature meets the customer's needs or expectations.

To gather the necessary data for plotting, a Kano survey is usually administered to customers. This helps in understanding their perception of each feature's importance and satisfaction level.

Features are categorized into one of five distinct categories based on customer viewpoints:

  1. Basic Features: These are the 'must-haves' and are considered foundational for any product or service. While their presence doesn't significantly boost customer satisfaction, their absence can cause severe dissatisfaction.

  2. Performance Features: These features are directly correlated with the level of customer satisfaction. The better these features are executed, the more satisfied the customers. Customers actively think about and compare these features when evaluating different products or services.

  3. Delighters: These are unexpected features that can significantly increase customer satisfaction. Often referred to as the 'wow' factor, these features are not necessarily missed if absent but can substantially improve the product's overall perception when present.

  4. Indifferent Features: These features neither add to nor detract from customer satisfaction. They are often along the horizontal axis of the Kano model as they don't significantly influence the customer's perception of the product.

  5. Reverse Features: These are features that can actually reduce customer satisfaction if present but increase satisfaction if absent. This usually happens when the feature contradicts what the customer wants or expects from the product.

Over time, customer perceptions of features can shift. What was once a Delighter may become a mere Performance feature as competitors catch up, or customer expectations evolve.

Kano Analysis is valuable for product development, feature prioritization, and strategic planning. It provides actionable insights for aligning a product's feature set with customer needs and expectations, helping in informed decision-making.




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