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Iteration Planning

In adaptive methodologies such as Agile and Scrum, Iteration Planning or Sprint Planning is a critical activity for setting the direction of the development efforts for the upcoming iteration or sprint. This planning session involves the entire product development team and is usually held just before or at the very beginning of the iteration. The purpose is to identify and select a subset of items from the product backlog to form the iteration backlog, which is essentially the work planned for the current or upcoming iteration.


Business analysis plays a crucial role in ensuring that the items moved into the iteration backlog are "ready" for development. The term "ready" means that these backlog items are sufficiently defined, clarified, and prioritized to provide clear development objectives. Business analysis activities aim to elaborate on these items so that they meet the 'Definition of Ready,' a set of criteria that ensures the item is sufficiently understood and detailed.

Delivering Business Value

Business analysis is not just concerned with the elaboration of backlog items but also focuses on prioritizing them based on the business value they deliver. The prioritization helps the team to work on the most critical aspects first, thereby aligning the development efforts closely with business objectives.


The items selected during iteration planning are considered as "planned work" for the current or next iteration. Once the planning is complete, these selected items can be considered as approved for development during the iteration.

By facilitating a collaborative and focused planning process, iteration planning serves as a foundation for value-based delivery, enabling the team to align their efforts with the organizational goals and objectives effectively.



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