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Goal Model And Business Objectives Model

Goal Models and Business Objectives Models serve as scope models that facilitate the organization and representation of goals, business problems, and business objectives in the context of a portfolio, program, or project. These models are instrumental in visually articulating how a particular solution aligns with and aims to achieve the overarching business objectives.

Goal Models: These are specifically designed to show stakeholder goals for a particular solution. The model can indicate relationships between different goals, including those that may support or conflict with one another.

Business Objectives Models: These models offer a decomposition of high-level business strategies into tangible business problems and objectives. They serve to visually represent the value proposition of a portfolio, program, or project and how a planned solution aims to fulfill these objectives. This could be in terms of increasing revenue, decreasing costs, or avoiding penalties.

Both Goal Models and Business Objectives Models are typically created at the inception of a program or project. However, they can be revisited and updated at any point, especially for the purpose of prioritization within a portfolio.

Role in Feature Prioritization and Scope Management: One of the key functions of these models is to assist in feature prioritization. By laying out the business objectives and goals, these models provide a basis for determining which features are of utmost importance and should be prioritized for development.

Alignment with Business Objectives: These models are often used to ensure that the requirements or user stories are in sync with the business objectives. They can act as a traceability matrix to map features or requirements back to specific business goals, thereby ensuring alignment.

Collaboration with Project Management: It’s worth noting that the project manager can contribute to the completion of these models, especially if a cost-benefit analysis or business case has already been developed. Information from these analyses can feed into the goal and business objectives models to provide a more comprehensive view.

By facilitating a structured approach to defining and understanding business goals and objectives, these models are indispensable tools for business analysts in achieving alignment, aiding decision-making, and ensuring that the developed solution adds value to the business.



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