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Change Requests

Change Requests are formal appeals to modify a requirement or other aspects of product information after the requirements have been baselined. These can originate from various sources like new regulations, internal or external constraints, or stakeholder feedback. Once a change request is made, it typically undergoes an impact analysis to evaluate how the change would affect the current project state, including scope, schedule, and resources. If the impact analysis reveals that the change request affects product requirements, further business analysis is needed to understand the full extent of its implications.

There are differences in how change requests are managed based on the project approach:

Traditional Approaches

In traditional project management approaches, change requests are formalized and go through a structured evaluation and approval process. They are prioritized along with existing work and requirements. Sometimes, the change requests may even have a higher priority than the existing work and might require a re-evaluation of the project's scope to accommodate the change.

Adaptive Approaches

In adaptive approaches like Agile or Scrum, the process for handling change requests is less formal. Stakeholders can simply request changes, which are often framed as user stories and added to the product backlog. These new items are then prioritized against existing backlog items, usually during the planning session for the next iteration. In this approach, the terms "change requests" are generally not used; rather, they are considered as additions to the backlog.

Key Points

  1. Origin: Change requests can arise from various factors such as new regulations, internal or external constraints, missed requirements, or stakeholder recommendations.

  2. Prioritization: Change requests are prioritized against existing work and may sometimes supersede them in importance.

  3. Impact Analysis: An essential step in dealing with change requests, especially in traditional approaches, is to perform an impact analysis to evaluate how the change affects various project aspects.

  4. Role of Business Analysis: If a change request impacts product requirements, business analysis is required to assess the full scope and implications of the change.

  5. Methodology Dependent: The manner in which change requests are handled can differ significantly depending on whether a traditional or adaptive project management approach is being used.

Understanding how to manage and analyze change requests is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the project and ensuring that it continues to align with business goals and objectives.



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