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Will You?

Once Mary heard a famous song, and a line from it stuck in her head. That line was "Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?". Mary believes that a person is loved if and only if he/she is both young and beautiful, but this is quite a depressing thought, so she wants to put her belief to the test.

Knowing whether a person is young, beautiful and loved, find out if they contradict Mary's belief.

A person contradicts Mary's belief if one of the following statements is true:

  • they are young and beautiful but not loved;
  • they are loved but not young or not beautiful.


  • For young = true, beautiful = true, and loved = true, the output should be

    will_you(young, beautiful, loved) = false

    Young and beautiful people are loved according to Mary's belief.

  • For young = true, beautiful = false, and loved = true, the output should be

    will_you(young, beautiful, loved) = true

    Mary doesn't believe that not beautiful people can be loved.


  • [input] boolean young

  • [input] boolean beautiful

  • [input] boolean loved


def will_you(young, beautiful, loved):
    return (young and beautiful) != loved

print(will_you(False, False, False))
print(will_you(True, True, True))
print(will_you(True, False, True))

my thoughts are neither my employer's nor my wife's